Based on clinical data it is possible to predict the mortality rate for patients with acute myocardial ischemia. This is also referred to as the Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI).
(1) age in years
(2) presenting systolic blood pressure
(3) "squared" presenting systolic blood pressure
(4) T waves
(5) Q waves
(6) initial heart rate and presenting systolic blood pressure
age |
value |
<=50 |
50 |
> 50 and < 80 |
age |
>= 80 |
80 |
presenting systolic blood pressure |
value |
>= 175 mm Hg |
175 |
< 175 mm Hg |
systolic blood pressure |
squared presenting systolic blood pressure |
value |
systolic blood pressure <= 80 mm Hg |
36 |
systolic blood pressure > 80 and < 140 mm Hg |
((140 - (SBP))^2) /100 |
systolic blood pressure >= 140 mm Hg |
0 |
T-waves at least 2 contiguous leads |
value |
peaked T waves present |
2 |
inverted T waves present |
1 |
neither |
0 |
Q-waves in at least 2 contiguous leads |
value |
Q waves anterior-lateral |
2 |
Q waves anterior-septal |
1 |
Q waves anterior |
1 |
poor R wave progression |
1 |
neither |
0 |
initial heart rate and presenting systolic blood pressure |
value |
SVT present |
0 |
heart rate < 110 mm Hg |
0 |
systolic blood pressure <= 90 mm Hg |
1 |
systolic blood pressure > 90 and <= 110 mm Hg |
((SBP) - 70) / 20 |
systolic blood pressure > 110 and <= 140mm Hg |
2 |
systolic blood pressure > 140 and <= 155 mm Hg |
((155) - 70) / 7.5 |
systolic blood pressure > 155 mm Hg |
0 |
variable |
coefficient |
intercept |
-5.6769 |
age |
0.0733 |
systolic blood pressure |
- 0.0145 |
squared systolic blood pressure |
0.0347 |
T-waves |
0.6008 |
Q-waves |
0.6453 |
initial heart rate |
0.7683 |
beta value =
= (intercept coefficient) + ((age value) * (age coefficient)) + ((systolic blood pressure value) * (systolic blood pressure coefficient)) + ((systolic blood pressure squared value) * (systolic blood pressure squared coefficient)) + ((T wave value) * (T wave coefficient)) + ((Q wave value) * (Q wave coefficient)) + ((heart rate value) * (heart rate coefficient))
probability of death =
= 1 / (1 + EXP ((-1) * (beta value)))
Specialty: Cardiology
ICD-10: ,