
The Respiratory Quality of Life Questionnaire was developed to evaluate patients with respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It was based on the Sydney Asthma Questionnaire (above). The authors are from Nordbyhagen and Oslo in Norway.


The instrument consists of 20 statements related to COPD symptoms during the past month.



(1) shortness of breath.

(2) wheezing attacks.

(3) tightness in the chest.

(4) restricted when walking down the street on level ground or doing light housework

(5) restricted when walking up hills or doing heavy housework

(6) tired, lack of energy.

(7) difficulty sleeping at night

(8) sad or depressed.

(9) frustrated with self.

(10) anxious, tense.

(11) not achieving what is wanted in life

(12) interference with social life.

(13) limited in going to certain places

(14) afraid of going to places in case an acute attack occurs

(15) been restricted in the sports, hobbies or other recreations

(16) felt generally restricted

(17) lung disease controlly life

(18) been worried about health

(19) worried about having a shortened life

(20) felt dependent on medication.



not at all








very severely



There are 4 subscales:

(1) breathlessness

(2) mood

(3) social

(4) concerns


The assignment of questions to the subscales is assumed to be the same as for the Sydney questionnaire.

(1) breathlessness (7) - questions 1 to 5, 15 and 16

(2) mood (5) - questions 6 to 10

(3) social (5) - questions 11 to 14 and 17

(4) concerns (5) - questions 11, 17 to 20


adjusted subscale =

= MEAN(score for questions in the subscale) * 2.5


adjusted total score =

= MEAN(score for all of the questions) * 2.5



• minimum adjusted subscale or total score: 0

• maximum adjusted subscale or total score: 10

• The higher the score, the more severe the impact on the patient's quality of life.


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