
The ovarian remnant syndrome refers to symptoms associated with small piece of ovarian tissue remaining after oophorectomy.


Features of the ovarian remnant syndrome:

(1) The patient has a history of oophorectomy, usually a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

(2) A small amount of ovarian tissue inadvertently is left behind.

(3) This ovarian tissue is associated with clinical symptoms such as pelvic pain and/or dyspareunia.

(4) Surgical removal of the ovarian remnant results in clinical improvement.


Diagnostic points:

(1) Some cases are related to a clamp placed on the infundibulopelvic ligament. Since the ligament is shorter on the left side, the symptomatic ovarian remnant is often left-sided.

(2) The differential diagnosis includes conditions such as endometriosis and the presence of adhesions.

(3) The condition needs to be distinguished from the residual (aka retained) ovary syndrome (see next section).

(4) The diagnosis may be difficult to make and the patient may have made numerous visits to other physicians and/or psychiatrists,


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