
The Neurological Disability Score (NDS) measures specific neurological deficits affecting the peripheral nervous system as seen in a polyneuropathy. It can be used for initial assessment and to monitor the patient over time to measure disease status.


Examination groups: measured separately on the left and right sides:

(1) cranial nerves

(2) muscle weakness

(3) reflexes

(4) sensation


Cranial nerves (6):

(1) papilledema

(2) extraocular muscle weakness, Cr III (affects levator palpebrae, inferior and superior rectus, inferior oblique and sphincter pupillae muscles)

(3) extraocular muscle weakness, Cr VI (affects lateral rectus muscle)

(4) face weakness

(5) palate weakness

(6) tongue weakness


Muscle weakness (16):

(1) respiratory

(2) shoulder abduction

(3) biceps brachii

(4) brachioradialis

(5) extension at elbow

(6) extension at wrist

(7) flexion at wrist

(8) extension of fingers

(9) flexion of fingers

(10) intrinsic hand

(11) iliopsoas

(12) glutei

(13) quadriceps

(14) hamstrings

(15) dorsiflexors

(16) plantar flexors


Reflexes (5):

(1) biceps brachii

(2) triceps brachii

(3) brachioradialis

(4) quadriceps femoris

(5) triceps surae


Sensation (8):

(1) index finger (below base of nail): touch pressure

(2) index finger (below base of nail): pricking pain

(3) index finger (below base of nail): vibration

(4) index finger (below base of nail): JP (joint position)

(5) great toe (below base of nail): touch pressure

(6) great toe (below base of nail): pricking pain

(7) great toe (below base of nail): vibration

(8) great toe (below base of nail): JP



no deficit


mild deficit


moderate deficit


severe deficit


complete absence of function or severest deficit



cranial nerve subscore

= SUM(points for 6 cranial nerve items from both left and right sides)


muscle weakness subscore =

= SUM(points for 16 muscle weakness items from both left and right sides)


reflexes subscore =

= SUM(points for 5 reflex items from both left and right sides)


sensation subscore =

= SUM(points for 8 sensation items from both left and right sides)


total NDS score =

= SUM(all 4 subscores)

= SUM(points for all of the measures bilaterally)



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score, one side: 140

• maximum score, bilateral: 280

• The higher the score, the greater the neurological deficit.



• The score is intended to measure deficits and does not allow for hyperactive reflexes or other increased activities.


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