
Some patients with temporal lobe epilepsy may develop an interictal behavior syndrome with certain characteristic features as described by Geschwind and associates.



(1) history of temporal lobe epilepsy

(2) excessive interest in religion (religiosity), morality, philosophy or cosmology

(3) hypergraphia (extensive and compulsive writing and/or drawing)

(4) alteration in sexual behavior (hyposexuality, fetishes, hypersexuality)

(5) some patients may be diagnosed as psychotic

(6) viscosity ("stickiness") in responses and interpersonal interaction


Features of the hypergraphia:

(1) obsessive and compulsive

(2) repetition of words, sentences and themes

(3) may take the form of extensive diary keeping, writing books, or dictations



(1) sudden conversion

(2) compulsive reading of sacred texts

(3) compulsive attendance at churches or religious sites

(4) feeling of being chosen


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