The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire can be used to identify claudication in epidemiologic surveys. It addresses some of the problems identified with the WHO/Rose questionnaire. The authors are from Edinburgh, Scotland.
The questionnaire consists of:
(1) a screening question about pain or discomfort in the leg with walking
(2) an additional 5 questions if the response if affirmative
"Positive" with all of the following responses to the questions:
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Yes
(5) Usually disappears in 10 minutes or less
If "positive", then it is graded based on the responses to question 4:
(4) No: Grade 1
(4) Yes: Grade 2
For patients with "positive" findings:
pain in the calf, regardless of whether pain is also marked in other sites
definite claudication
no pain in calf, but pain in thigh or buttock
atypical claudication
no pain in calf, thigh or buttock, but pain in hamstring, feet, shin, joints or elsewhere
not considered claudication
• The sensitivity was 91.3% and specificity 99.3% in Leng and Fowles series.
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