
The 24 Hour Migraine Quality of Life Questionnaire can be used to monitor the short-term quality of life for a patient with migraine headaches. It measures the decrement in the quality of life during the 24 hours after taking a migraine headache medication. The authors are from the Merck Research Laboratories and Temple University.


Questionnaire: There 15 items covering 5 quality of life domains

(1) work functioning

(2) social functioning

(3) energy/vitality

(4) migraine symptoms

(5) feelings/concerns


Scoring Items 1-10

Scoring Items 11-15


all of the time

a very great deal


most of the time

a great deal


a good bit of the time

a good deal


some of the time

a moderate amount


a little of the time



hardly any of the time

very little


none of the time





• 1 point indicates maximum impairment of quality of life

• 7 points indicates no impairment of quality of life


work functioning subscore =

= SUM(points for questions 7, 8, 9)


social functioning subscore =

= SUM(points for questions 10, 11, 12)


energy/vitality subscore =

= SUM(points for questions 13, 14, 15)


migraine symptom subscore =

= SUM(points for questions 1, 2, 3)


feelings/concerns subscore =

= SUM(points for questions 4, 5, 6)


total score =

= SUM(points for all 15 questions)



• minimum subscore: 3

• maximum subscore: 21

• minimum total score: 15

• maximum total score: 105

• The higher the score, the better the patient is able to function.


percent of optimum functioning for a subscore =

= ((subscore) – 3) / 18


percent of optimum functioning for the total score =

= ((subscore) – 15) /90


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