
Temporary workers should receive the same training, protection and supervision as regular workers to ensure their health and safety.

The ultimate responsibility for a temporary worker lies with the host employer. A host employer may decide to deal only with an agency that trains its workers well.


Steps that should be taken by an agency providing temporary workers:

(1) Evaluate the worksite of the host employer where the temporary worker will be assigned.

(2) Train temporary workers to recognize health and safety hazards.

(3) Make sure that the host employer meets the expected standards for health and safety.

(4) Define the scope of work in the contract.

(5) Keep in touch with the workers.

(6) Review with the employer concerns about safety and any incidents or near misses.


Steps to be taken by the host employer:

(1) The temporary worker should receive the same safety training and project orientation as regular employees.

(2) Temporary workers should be oriented to specific hazards and how to respond to an emergency.

(3) The temporary workers are trained in how to report work-related injuries and illnesses.

(4) All work-related injuries and illnesses should be tracked.

(5) All work-related injuries and illnesses should be treated appropriately.

(6) Performance of the temporary workers should undergo ongoing assessment with correction of any issues identified.

(7) All incidents involving temporary workers should be investigated.

(8) Temporary workers should not perform work that has not been specified in the work contract.

(9) The temporary worker should be provided with all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

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