
The systemic immune-inflammation index (SIII) is a laboratory measure of immune-inflammatory activity.


(1) platelet count

(2) absolute neutrophil count

(3) absolute lymphocyte count



= (platelet count) * (absolute neutrophil count) / (absolute lymphocyte count)


The SIII may be elevated in:

(1) relapse of an autoimmune disease

(2) progression or recurrence of a malignant neoplasm


One point of confusion is the units of measure.


If values are reported in 10^9/L, then

(1) a value >= 330 * 10^9 is considered high in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (Hu et al).

(2) a value >= 572 * 10^9 is considered high in patients with solid tumors (Zhong et al).


If values are reported in 10^3/µL, then a value of 1,170 * 10^3 (or 11.7 * 10^5) is associated with relapse in polyarteritis nodosa (Kato et al).


A second point of confusion is determination before or after therapy. For cancer patients the pretreatment value may be more predictive.

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