Based on clinical features an infant with the croup syndrome can be separated into low and high risk groups for airway obstruction, which can aid in the deciding what steps should be taken in patient management.
(1) stridor
(2) cyanosis
(3) sternal retraction
(4) respiratory rate for body weight
(5) pulse for age
Parameter |
Finding |
Score |
stridor |
none |
0 |
audible on close examination or with stethoscope |
1 |
easily audible; patient unable to lie down comfortably |
2 |
cyanosis |
none |
0 |
minimal, involving nailbeds and/or perioral mucosa |
1 |
obvious cyanosis |
2 |
sternal retraction |
none |
0 |
present |
1 |
Respiratory Rate for Body Weight
Body Weight in kilograms |
Finding |
Score |
<= 5 kilograms |
< 35 |
0 |
36 - 40 |
1 |
41 - 45 |
2 |
> 45 |
3 |
5.1 - 10 kilograms |
< 30 |
0 |
31 - 35 |
1 |
36 - 40 |
2 |
> 40 |
3 |
> 10 kilograms |
< 20 |
0 |
21- 24 |
1 |
25 - 30 |
2 |
> 30 |
3 |
Pulse for Age
Age in Months |
Finding |
Score |
< 3 months |
< 150 |
0 |
151 - 165 |
1 |
166 - 190 |
2 |
> 190 |
3 |
3 - 6 months |
< 130 |
0 |
131 - 145 |
1 |
146 - 170 |
2 |
> 170 |
3 |
7 - 12 months |
< 120 |
0 |
120 - 135 |
1 |
135 - 150 |
2 |
> 150 |
3 |
13 - 36 months |
< 110 |
0 |
111 - 125 |
1 |
126 - 140 |
2 |
> 140 |
3 |
37 - 60 months |
< 90 |
0 |
91 - 100 |
1 |
101 - 120 |
2 |
> 120 |
3 |
• maximum score: 11
• minimum score: 0
• scores <= 5 showed low risk for airway obstruction
• scores > 5 show high risk for airway obstruction and require more aggressive therapy
• evaluation is performed at presentation and every 12 hours thereafter until discharge
• Children older than 5 years of age (60 months) are not included.
Specialty: Pulmonology, Pedatrics, Infectious Diseases