
The Swansea criteria can be used for the diagnosis of acute fatty liver of pregnancy. The original authors are from Singleton Hospital in Sketty, Swansea.

Patient selection: pregnant female


Criteria - 6 or more of the following:

(1) vomiting

(2) abdominal pain

(3) polydipsia and polyuria

(4) encephalopathy

(5) serum bilirubin > 14 µmol/L

(6) blood glucose < 4 mmol/L

(7) serum uric acid > 340 µmol/L

(8) WBC count > 11 * 10^9/L

(9) ascites or bright liver on ultrasonography

(10) serum AST or ALT > 42 IU/L

(11) serum ammonia > 47 µmol/L

(12) serum creatinine > 150 µmol/L

(13) prothrombin time > 14 seconds or aPTT > 34 seconds

(14) microvesicular steatosis on liver biopsy


The diagnosis also requires the absence of another explanation for the above finding.

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