
Rarely a patient may have one or more extra testicles (polyorchidism).


Location of the extra testis:

(1) within the scrotum, proximal to the normal testis

(2) within the inguinal canal

(3) undescended (at the level of the L4 vertebral body)

(4) partially descended (anywhere between #2 and 3)


How the extra testis is identified:

(1) palpable nodule in the scrotum or inguinal canal

(2) tumor development

(3) incidental finding at surgery, autopsy or on an imaging study

(4) investigation of a vasectomy failure (hopefully this would be caught by failure of the sperm count to drop to 0 rather than by an unwanted pregnancy)


The extra testicle is usually removed to confirm the diagnosis and to make sure that it does not become a source for a germ cell tumor.


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