
A patient with sickle cell hemoglobinopathy may suffer sudden death due to a number of factors. One reported cause is a sequestration crisis.

Hemoglobinopathies associated with organ sequestrations:

(1) homozygous sickle cell disease

(2) sickle cell-beta+ thalassemia

(3) hemoglobin SC


In the North America most cases have been seen in Afro-Americans.


Sequestration crises associated with sudden death:

(1) spleen (most common)

(2) bone marrow

(3) possibly other organs - lung and liver


Pathogenesis: obstruction of the venous outflow with acute congestion


Clinical features:

(1) sudden onset of sequestration

(2) shock

(3) hypoxemia



(1) possibly sepsis

(2) intracranial hemorrhage

(3) multiorgan failure

(4) spenic rupture (in splenic sequestration)

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