The Stockholm Marital Stress Scale (SMSS) is a structured interview for measuring marital stress.
The instrument consists of 17 questions related to marriage and the relationship with one's spouse.
Point assignment:
(1) 1 point for a "No" response: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15
(2) 1 point for a "Yes" response: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17
Problems (previous or current, as indicated by responses to questions 10 and 11) in relationship: 1 point assigned for each present
(1) infidelity
(2) substance use or abuse
(3) economic problems
(4) health problems
(5) other problems
problem subscore =
= (number of previous problems) + (number of current problems)
total score =
= (martial stress subscore) + (problem subscore)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 27
• The higher the score, the greater the stress in the relationship.
Total Score |
Stress |
0 or 1 |
absent or mild |
2 or 3 |
moderate |
> 3 |
severe |
• The scale was developed for studying women with heart disease. It should also be applicable to studying men and to include other health disorders. I have generalized health disorders in the implementation.
• I would think the scale would be more powerful if it used a Likert scale response format rather than all-or-nothing.
ICD-10: ,