
When a clinician gets a piece of data, a series of questions are asked prior to accepting the data for clinical use. The need for these questions has increased as interoperability has expanded.

Situation: receipt of clinical data




Is the data of interest available?

If no, then order a test to get the data.

Is the data reliable?

If no, then order a test get reliable data.

Is the data relevant to the patient's current situation (too old, not fasting, etc)?

If no, then order a test to get relevant data.

Is the data unexpected for the patient's clinical situation?

If no, then troubleshoot.

Does the data need to be transformed or normalized?

If yes, then appropriately process the data.


If the data successfully navigates this gauntlet, then it can be used for clinical decision making.


Troubleshooting may include:

(1) repeating the test with the same specimen

(2) performing the test with a new specimen

(3) testing by another method

(4) check for interference due to drug or specimen feature (hemolysis, lipemia, etc)


Transformation of data may involve:

(1) unit conversion

(2) dividing by body weight or body surface area

(3) creating a Z-score

(4) interpret based on age

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