
The Forced midexpiratory flow rate (FEF25-75%) is the mean forced expiratory flow during the middle half of the forced vital capacity (FVC).

Alternative term: MMEF


FEF(25-75%) in liters per second for White males 15-79 years (Cherniack, 1972) =

= (0.05948 * (height in inches)) - (0.037 * (age in years)) + 2.61187


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for White females 15-79 years (Cherniack, 1972) =

= (0.04931 * (height in inches)) - (0.03120 * (age in years)) + 2.25610


FEF(25-75%) in liters per second for Hispanic males 25-80 years (Coultas, 1988) =

= (2.0718 * (height in meters)) - (0.0441 * (age in years)) + 2.1769


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for Hispanic females 25-80 years (Coultas, 1988) =

= (1.9552 * (height in meters)) - (0.0365 * (age in years)) - 1.5798


FEF(25-75%) in liters per second for White males 15-91 years (Crapo et al., 1981) =

=  (0.0204 * (height in cm)) - (0.0380 * (age in years)) + 2.133


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for White females15-84 years (Crapo et al., 1981) =

=   (0.0154 * (height in cm)) - (0.0460 * (age in years)) + 2.683


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for Hispanic males 25-75 years (Crapo, 1990) =

= (0.0453 * (height in cm)) - (0.0389 * (age in years)) - 2.0574


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for Hispanic females 20-80 years (Crapo, 1990)  =

=  (0.0330 * (height in cm)) - (0.0361 * (age in years)) - 0.3758


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for White males 25-85 years (Knudson, 1983) =

= (0.0579 * (height in cm)) - (0.0363 * (age in years)) - 4.5175


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for White females 20-88 years (Knudson, 1983) =

= (0.0209 * (height in cm)) - (0.0344 * (age in years)) + 1.1277


FEF(25-75%) in liters per second for White males 20-84 (Morris, 1971)=

= (0.047 * (height in inches)) - (0.045 * (age in years)) + 2.513


FEF(25-75%) in liters per second for White females 20-84 years (Morris, 1971)=

= (0.06 * (height in inches)) - (0.030 * (age in years)) + 0.551


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for Black males 20-92 years (Stinson, 1981) =

= (0.132 * (height in inches)) - (0.02 * (age in years)) - 4.611


FEF(25-75%) in liters/second for Black females 20-92 years (Stinson, 1981) =

= (0.043 * (height in inches)) - (0.028 * (age in years)) + 1.061



• The FEF(25-75%) reflects the severity of pulmonary impairment in obstruction.

• In small airway disease: FVC is >= 81% of predicted, but FEF(25-75%) < 65%.




>= 66% of predicted


50 - 65% of predicted

mild obstruction

35 - 49% of predicted

moderate obstruction

< 35% of predicted

severe obstruction


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