
The presence of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) in a severely burn patient can be an indicator of a poor prognosis.

Patient selection: burn patient with >=10% of TBSA, probably in the ICU


NRBCs typically appear >= 5 days after thermal injury.


The odds ratio for mortality when any nucleated RBCs (NRBCs) were present was 6.0. Patients who died tended to have higher NRBC counts.


The presence of NRBCs is also associated with complications and length of stay.


Risk factors for the presence of NRBCs

(1) more severe burn injury (especially third degree over >= 30% of TBSA)

(2) older age (>= 53 years)

(3) greater Injury Severity Scale (>= 18)

(4) low arterial oxygen partial tension

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