
Badiye et al reported an algorithm for sex determination based on analysis of a palm print. The authors are from Government Institute of Forensic Science in Nagpur and Shri Vaishnav Institute of Forensic Science in India.

Patient selection: adult 18 to 50 years of age of normal size (excluding people at the extremes of height)


Measurement: The lengths of the 4 tri-radii (also referred as deltas) in the interdigital area running from the point of confluence at the base of the palm and running to the second, third, fourth and fifth fingers.


total length =

= SUM(lengths of the 4 tri-radii in cm)



• A total length <= 30 cm tends to be seen in females.

• A total length >= 32.5 cm tends to be seen in males.

• No females had a total length greater than 36 cm.

• A few males have a total length less than 28.

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