
Kato et al reported serum markers for decreased germ cells in an infant with bilateral cryptorchidism. The presence of decreased germ cells is associated with later infertility. The authors are from Nagoya City University in Japan.

Patient selection: infant <= 24 months with bilateral cryptorchidism at time of orchiopexy



(1) serum inhibin B in pg/mL

(2) serum anti-Mullerian hormone in pmol/L

(3) serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in mIU/mL


inhibin B to FSH ratio =

= (serum inhibin) / (FSH)


anti-Mullerian hormone to FSH ratio =

= (anti-Mullerian hormone) / (FSH)


Predictors of decreased germ cells:

(1) inhibin B to FSH ratio <= 134 pg/mIU

(2) anti-Mullerian hormone to FSH ratio <= 766 pmol/mIU

(3) serum FSH >= 0.9 mIU/mL

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