
Brehler and Kutting presented a questionnaire to screen patients for latex allergy. This can help identify a person who may benefit from further evaluation. The authors are from the University of Munster in Germany.


NOTE: The statement of the questions differs from that shown in Table 3 (page 1061) but the content is the same.


Reaction or history

(1) reaction after blowing up a balloon

(2) history of hand eczema or atopic dermatitis

(3) food allergy to tropical fruits (banana, avocado, papaya, chestnut, etc.)


Reaction during medical or dental procedure not caused by a drug

(4) allergic reaction

(5) anaphylactic reaction


Reaction after contact with a natural rubber latex product:

(6) contact urticaria

(7) rhinoconjunctivitis or asthmatic symptoms

(8) anaphylactic reaction



• A negative response to all of the items indicates a low risk of latex allergy.

• A positive response should prompt additional questions to determine if other inciting agents might be implicated.

• The presence of positive responses should prompt additional testing.


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