
SCoRCH Hypersensitivity Reaction refers to a hypersensitivity reaction with sudden onset, conjunctivitis, lymphopenia, rash and hemodynamic changes. The authors are from University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas.

Patient: onset of signs and symptoms after exposure to the triggering agent


If the patient has a prior exposure to the triggering agent, then the onset may be rapid.

If there is no prior exposure to the triggering agent, then it may appear after 4 to11 days.


Clinical features:

(1) generalized sunburn-like erythema with or without pruritis

(2) mild facial and acral edema

(3) conjunctivitis

(4) fever

(5) sore throat

(6) headache

(7) GI symptoms (nausea, vomiting, sore throat, abdominal pain)

(8) respiratory symptoms, including tachypnea and ARDS

(9) hemodynamic changes (tachycardia, hypotension

(10) lymphopenia

(11) variable end-organ dysfunction (liver, kidneys, lungs)

(12) variable aseptic meningitis


Possible causes:

(1) trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

(2) abacavir

(3) azathioprine

(4) ibuprofen

(5) HIV disease

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