Frailty is a disabling condition, especially for the elderly. This may involve the mouth and oropharynx. Its effects may be combined with poor oral health.
Sarcopenic dysphagia involves loss of mass and strength of swallowing muscles, resulting in impaired deglution. In addition, the patient may have comorbid conditions that contribute to dysphagia.
A patient may also have poor oral health associated with:
(1) dental problems
(2) xerostomia
(3) impaired chewing
(4) problems with taste or smell
(5) mucositis or stomatitis
Reduced oral intake secondary to oropharyngeal changes can lead to the gradual onset of malnutrition. This may be exacerbated by generalized frailty, which may reduce food access. This form of malnutrition can be easily overlooked unless specifically looked for.
Management may include:
(1) nutritional supplementation
(2) treatment of oral problems
(3) oropharyngeal rehabilitation
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