
The sadistic personality disorder was recognized in DSM III, but subsequently was removed. It is currently considered a paraphilic behavior.The term is derived from the name of Marquis de Sade who wrote on his experiences.

Key feature: taking pleasure from the suffering of others, typically being a person with greater power than the chosen victim


Other features:

(1) aggressive and cruel behavior

(2) demeaning/humiliating

(3) shows a lack of respect and empathy


Sadistic behavior may range from a mild sexual preference to severely pathological. It may be transient or persistent.


Subtypes of persons with a sadistic personality (Millon):

(1) spineless (cowardly and insecure, such as a bully)

(2) tyrannical (abusive and brutal)

(3) enforcing (use of power given for a societal purpose such as law enforcement)

(4) explosive (associated with uncontrollable rage)

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