The reverse shock index times the Glasgow Coma Score (rSIG) is a simple index for predicting the risk of mortality in trauma patients.
Patient selection: trauma
Outcome: in-hospital mortality
(1) heart rate in beats per minute
(2) systolic blood pressure in mm Hg
(3) Glasgow coma score from 3 to 15
shock index =
= (heart rate) / (systolic blood pressure)
reverse shock index =
= (systolic blood pressure) / (heart rate)
rSIG =
= (reverse shock index) * (Glasgow coma score) =
= (Glasgow coma score) / (shock index)
• The higher the rSIG the lower the in-hospital mortality.
• The mortality rate ranged from 65% for scores <= 3 to 2% for scores >= 20.
An equation approximating the curve in Figure 4a is
probability of mortality =
= (-0.006996 * ((score)^3)) + (0.453 * ((score)^2)) - (10.58 * (score)) + 88.62