
In the Rome IV classification there are two main types of functional dyspepsia, one of which is postprandial dyspepsia (PDS)

Features of functional dyspepsia - both of the following:

(1) one or more of: bothersome postprandial fullness, bothersome early satiation, bothersome epigastric pain, bothersome epigastric burning

(2) findings cannot be explained by structural disease


Features of postprandial distress syndrome:

(1) at least of the following >= 3 days per week for last 3 months

(1a) bothersome postprandial fullness severe enough to impact usual activities

(1b) bothersome early satiation severe enough to prevent finishing a regular-size meal

(2) symptom onset >= 6 months ago


Features that may be present include:

(1) postprandial epigastric pain or burning

(2) epigastric bloating

(3) excessive belching

(4) nausea

(5) heartburn


Features that are usually not considered part of dyspepsia:

(1) vomiting

(2) relief by evacuation of feces or gas


PDS may be mixed with other functional gastrointestinal disorders.

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