Criteria for the diagnosis of aerophagia - all of the following:
(1) A duration of symptoms >= 12 cumulative weeks over the past 12 months (may or may not be consecutive).
(2) Air swallowing that is objectively observed.
(3) Repetitive belching, which may be troublesome.
• It is difficult to diagnose aerophagia with certainty unless there is direct observation of excess air swallowing.
• The air swallowing is usually an unconscious act and occurs separate from meals. The person may not be aware of it, while a spouse, family member, friend or acquaintance may be.
• The committee felt that the belching needed to be troublesome to be clinically "relevant". This was an attempt to distinguish this from "normal" belching.
• Further investigations for organic disease are usually not necessary.
• The patient should be screened for clinical anxiety and/or depression.