Criteria for abdominal migraine - all of the following:
(1) paroxysms of intense, acute, midline abdominal pain lasting from hours to days
(2) >= 3 episodes in the past 12 months
(3) intervening intervals symptom free
(4) 2 or more of the following are present:
(4a) headache during episodes
(4b) photophobia during episodes
(4c) family or personal history of migraine headaches
(4d) headaches confined to one side only
(4e) an aura or warning period present
An aura or warning period involves one or more of the following:
(1) visual disturbance (blurred vision, restricted vision, other)
(2) numbness, tingling or other sensory symptom
(3) slurred speech, inability to speak, paralysis or other motor abnormality
(1) obstructive uropathy
(2) intermittent bowel obstruction
(3) recurrent pancreatitis
(4) biliary tract disease
(5) intracranial space-occupying lesion
(6) familial Mediterranean fever
(7) metabolic disorder
(8) other cause of abdominal pain
Supportive evidence: Medications used for the prophylaxis of migraine headaches prevent attacks.