Yuan et al identified risk factors associated with acute donor reactions during the collection of multicomponent apheresis products. These can help to identify donors who may benefit from closer monitoring or a change in collection strategy. The authors are from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
Risk factors for a moderate or severe donor reaction:
(1) female gender
(2) lower predonation hematocrit (lower end of normal or below normal)
A donor with one or both risk factors is at greater risk if a red blood cell apheresis product is being collected.
Additional factors to consider:
(1) small total blood volume (usually associated with a smaller body frame)
(2) history of significant donor reactions in the past
Collection of red blood cells in a patient with a small blood volume resulted in greater percentage loss in red blood cells. A small blood volume tended to be associated with a greater percent net fluid loss (versus total blood volume) at the end of the procedure.
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