Patient selection:
(1) postoperative patient requiring acute renal replacement therapy in the ICU
(2) weaned for at least 5 days
Criteria for early redialysis: within 30 days of weaning
Risk factors for requiring early redialysis:
(1) age of the patient > 65 years
(2) urine output < 100 mL in 8 hours (oliguria) on the day of the last renal replacement session
(3) higher SOFA score on the day after the last renal replacement session
(4) longer duration of dialysis
• The authors refer to Day 0 and Day 1 with the risk factors. Day 0 is the day after the last session of acute renal replacement. Day 1 is day of the last session. See page 102.
• Longer duration of dialysis suggests more severe renal injury.
• In order to make this information more useful, cutoffs have been selected for the implementation based on data in Table 2 on page 104. Risk is assigned for duration of dialysis more than 14 days and SOFA score >= 10.