Risk factors for severe lower GI bleeding evident soon after admission:
(1) initial hematocrit <= 35%
(2) abnormal vital signs after 1 hour (systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg and/or heart rate > 100 beats per minute)
(3) gross blood on the initial rectal examination
• The odds ratio for the risk factors range from 3.9 to 6.3.
Adverse outcomes associated with lower GI bleeding:
(1) death
(2) acute myocardial infarction
(3) congestive heart failure
(4) cardiac arrhythmia
(5) stroke
(6) respiratory failure
(7) nosocomial infection requiring therapy with antibiotics
(8) onset of delirium and/or encephalopathy
(9) onset of any condition that results in a prolonged hospital stay
The only independent risk factor for an adverse outcome was severe lower GI bleeding.
Additional risk factors for adverse outcomes during the hospitalization:
(1) initial hematocrit <= 35%
(2) age of the patient > 65 years
(3) initial diastolic blood pressure < 60 mm Hg
(4) serum creatinine >= 1.5 g/dL