
Solomkin et al listed factors associated with failure to control an intra-abdominal infection. Presumably failure to control an intra-abdominal infection ends in the patient's death. The authors are from the Surgical Infection Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America.


Factors associated with a severe intra-abdominal infection:

(1) advanced age

(2) delay in starting an appropriate intervention (> 24 hours)

(3) APACHE II score >= 15 (high severity of illness)

(4) presence of a malignancy

(5) presence of other severe comorbid conditions

(6) hypotension and multiple organ dysfunction

(7) poor nutritional status, including a low serum albumin

(8) diffuse and/or severe peritonitis

(9) inability to adequately debride or drain

(10) unfavorable anatomic location

(11) healthcare-associated infection



• Immunosuppression would be included under comorbid conditions.

• A healthcare-associated infection may involve bacteria that are antibiotic resistant.


The authors state that clinical judgment is at least as accurate as a numerical score for the individual patient.


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