
Ruiz et al identified risk factors for hospital readmission due to an adverse drug reaction (ADR). These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from Galdakao Hospital in Spain.

Patient selection: hospital readmission due to adverse drug reaction.


Analysis: multivariate logistic regression


Risk Factor

Odds Ratio

therapy with acenocoumarol


history of diabetes mellitus


number of drugs prior to ADR

1.24 per drug

high blood pressure (arterial hypertension)




• Acenocoumarol is a derivative of coumadin and generic. The increased risk is presumed to be shared with warfarin and phenprocoumon.

• Therapy for hypertension is associated with hypotension, hypokalemia and other reasons for hospital admission. The reduced risk for readmission was presumed to be related to adjustment to therapy on index admission.


cumulative odds ratio =

= PRODUCT(odds ratios for the 4 risk factors)

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