
Roujeau et al identified risk factors for acute bacterial cellulitis of the lower extremity. The authors are from Hopital Henri-Mondor, Hopital E.-Mueller, Landspitali University Hospital, University of Munich, University Clinic Graz and Novartis Pharma AG.

Patient selection: acute bacterial cellulitis of the leg


Risk factors with odds ratio 22 to 24 from multivariate analysis:

(1) disruption of the skin (cutaneous barrier)

(2) history of bacterial cellulitis


Risk factors for odds ratio 2.8 to 4.5 from multivariate analysis:

(1) obesity

(2) chronic leg edema

(3) tinea pedis interdigitalis


Risk factors on univariate analysis include:

(1) onychomycosis

(2) chronic venous insufficiency and/or varicose veins

(3) absence of peripheral pulses


Treatment of dermatophyte infections may reduce the risk of bacterial cellulitis, especially if it causes disruption of the skin.

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