An epidural hematoma may form after trauma to the cervical spine. An expanding hematoma can compress the spinal cord and/or nerve roots causing neurological deficits.
Patient selection: trauma to the cervical spine
Risk factors for epidural hematoma:
(1) higher ISS (mean 19.8 +/- 10.6; no hematoma mean 16.2 +/- 9.9
(2) ankylosing spondylitis
Risk factors for epidural hematoma with spinal cord compression:
(1) higher ISS (mean 21.4 +/- 11.5; no compression mean 16.3 +/- 9.8, or up to 26,1)
(2) elevated INR (>= 1.5)
(3) ankylosing spondylitis
A patient with risk factors should have an MRI of the cervical spine once stable.
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