
Pallija et al listed risk factors associated with skin breakdown in an infant or child. This can help identify a pediatric patient at risk for pressure ulceration. The authors are from the Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron and Henry Ford Health System in Detroit.


Nutritional factors:

(1) malnutrition

(2) obesity


Immunologic factors:

(1) atopy or urticaria

(2) severe allergic reaction


Neurologic factors:

(1) impaired cognition

(2) myelomeningocele

(3) spinal cord injury

(4) head injury

(5) insensate areas

(6) paralysis

(7) immobility


Physical factors:

(1) burns

(2) trauma

(3) surgical incision


Pediatric conditions:

(1) failure to thrive

(2) extreme prematurity



(1) fecal and/or urinary incontinence

(2) acute debilitating illness

(3) edema


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