
Nourissat et al identified risk factors for increased weight loss in a patient with Stage I or II head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from nutritional interventions. The authors are from multiple hospitals in Quebec City and Montreal in Quebec, Canada.


Patient selection: Stage I or II head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy


Stage I is a tumor <= 2.0 cm in diameter without lymph node or distant metastases.

Stage II is a tumor 2.1 to 4.0 cm in diameter without lymph node or distant metastases.


Weight loss in study group: 2.2 kg (mean) with standard deviation 3.4 kg


Risk factors for greater weight loss:

(1) Stage II cancer

(2) primary site NOT glottic larynx

(3) higher body weight prior to radiation therapy

(4) odynophagia and/or dysphagia prior to radiation therapy

(5) lower Karnofsky performance score


The more of these factors that are present, the greater the chances for increased weight loss.



• The area under the ROC curve was 0.71 which is mediocre.


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