
Lefaivre et al identified risk factors associated with the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occurring in a trauma patient. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from the University of British Columbia, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, University of Colorado and Geisinger Clinic.


Parameters included in the logistic regression model:

(1) Glasgow coma score (GCS)

(2) femur fracture

(3) gender

(4) AIS abdominal

(5) AIS chest

(6) AIS extremity

(7) AIS face

(8) AIS head and neck



Odds Ratio



4.24 if <= 8

1 if > 8

femur fracture


1 if absent


1.41 if male

1 if female

AIS abdominal

1.35 per AIS unit

1 if absent

AIS chest

1.31 per AIS unit

1 if absent

AIS extremity

1.12 per AIS unit

1 if absent

AIS face

1.19 per AIS unit

1 if absent

AIS head and neck

1.10 per AIS unit

1 if absent


Additional factors associated with an increased risk of ARDS:

(1) acetabular fracture

(2) not repairing a femoral fracture in the 8 to 24 hour interval following injury (greater risk if > 24 hours)


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