
Languis et al identified risk factors for weight loss and malnutrition in patients treated for early stage laryngeal cancer. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from early nutritional interventions. The authors are from VU University Medical Center Amsterdam and University Medical Center Groningen in The Netherlands.

Patient selection: radiation therapy for laryngeal cancer, T1 to T2, N0 to N2c, M0


Malnutrition was defined as weight loss > 5%.


Predictors of weight loss and malnurition on multivariate analysis:

(1) radiation therapy to lymph nodes in the neck (hazard ratio 4.2)

(2) dry mouth (hazard ratio 1.7)


Others risk factors from the univariate analysis:

(1) supraglottic tumor location

(2) T2

(3) N1 or N2

(4) higher radiation therapy dose

(5) nausea and vomiting

(6) pain and/or use of painkillers

(7) swallowing difficulty (dysphagia)

(8) problems with senses (taste, smell, etc)

(9) trouble with social eating

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