
Lampe et al identified risk factors for pelvic lymph node metastases in women with endometrial adenocarcinoma. These can help to identify a patient who should have lymph node sampling to detect metastases. The authors are from Frauenklinik der Universitat in Munich, Germany.


Preoperative and intraoperative risk factors:

(1) serous papillary histologic type

(2) high grade (poorly differentiated)

(3) deep myometrial invasion

(4) cervical involvement by macroscopic exam


Additional risk factors identified in the resected uterus (postoperative):

(1) lymphovascular invasion


The presence of lymphovascular spread was the most helpful finding but is not usually available for decision-making.


The model that detects most pelvic node metastases is associated with a high rate of women undergoing the additional surgery with no evidence of nodal metastases.


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