
Jacob et al reported risk factors for antibiotic resistance for patients with pyelonephritis in India. These factors can help to identify a patient who may require a different antibiotic regimen. The authors are from Christian Medical College in Vellore.

Patient selection: acute pyelonephritis


Risk factors for extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production on multivariate analysis:

(1) residence outside of the district where the hospital is located (OR 7.5)

(2) qSOFA score >=2 (OR 5.4)


Risk factors for carbapenem-resistant organisms (CRO) from multivariate analysis:

(1) recent urinary catheterization (OR 7.1)

(2) positive urine nitrate test (OR 7.7)

(3) need for intensive care (OR 18.1)

(4) malignancy (OR 13.8)


On bivariate analysis hypotension requiring vasopressors was also associated with CRO.

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