Islas-Granillo et al identified risk factors for an elderly Mexican adult to become edentulous. These can help to identify a younger adult at risk who might benefit from preventive measures. The authors are from Universidad Autonoma del Estrado de Hidalgo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Indiana/Purdue University at Indianapolis School of Dentistry and the Regenstrief Institute (Indianapolis).
Patient selection: Mexican adult >= 60 years old
Most important risk factors (odds ratio > 4):
(1) tobacco use
(2) radiation therapy (often for head and neck cancer)
(3) divorced or widowed
Additional risk factors (odds ratios 2 to 4):
(1) single
(2) diabetes
(3) hypertension
Additional risk factors (odds ratio < 2):
(1) on publically funded insurance
(2) did not complete elementary school
(3) other comorbid conditions
The lowest risk should be for someone who:
(1) is married
(2) is economically better off (has private insurance)
(3) is better educated
(4) does not smoke
(5) does not have comorbid health conditions
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