
Guetl et al identified risk factors associated with chronic limb-threatening ischemia in a patient with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The authors are from the Medical University of Graz in Austria.

Patient selection: peripheral arterial disease


Outcome: limb-threatening ischemia


Risk factors for chronic limb-threatening ischemia on multivariate analysis:

(1) elevated WBC to mean platelet volume (MPV) ratio (OR 2.3; the mean ratio was 0.72)

(2) older age (OR 1.05 per year; the study had a mean age of 69.3 +/- 12 years)

(3) increased serum CRP in mg/L (OR 1.01 per unit; the mean value was 5.0 mg/L)

(4) diabetes (OR 2.4)


WBC to MPV ratio =

= (WBC in 10^9/L) / (MPV in femtoliters)


The risk of chronic limb-threatening ischemia increases with the number of risk factors.

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