
Church et al reported risk factors for in-hospital postoperative falls. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from interventions to reduce the risk. The authors are from the University of Colorado.

Risk factors associated with falls:

(1) older age (64.2 +/- 10.9 vs 60.9 +/- 12.0 in controls; use >= 65))

(2) functional dependence

(3) low serum albumin (use < 3.5 g/dL)

(4) anemia (use moderate or severe)

(5) ASA >= 3

(6) need for emergency surgery


Etiologies for falls include (from Table 1):

(1) delirium

(2) disability (functional dependence)

(3) being transferred

(4) loss of balance

(5) weakness

(6) dizziness or syncope

(7) phantom limb

(8) rolling out of bed

(9) trip or slip (wet floor, medical tubing, etc)

(10) malfunction of assist device

(11) other environmental factor

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