Bernell et al identified risk factors for a second bowel resection (recurrence) in a patient with Crohn's disease. The authors are from Karolinski Institute at Huddinge University Hospital in Stockholm.
Recurrence following a bowel resection for Crohn's disease was defined as the need for a second bowel resection. Almost 50% of patients with Crohn's disease will have a second bowel resection within 10 years of a first.
Factors associated with a second bowel resection:
(1) female gender
(2) perianal fistula
(3) disease distribution
(3a) small bowel (other than duodenal or ileocecal)
(3b) continuous ileocolonic disease
• The odds ratios range from 1.2 to 1.8. If 3 risk factors are present then the maximal cumulative product is 3.
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