
The risk for Post-Reperfusion Syndrome (RPS) may be increased if certain factors are present.

Patient selection: liver transplant recipient during the transplant procedure


Donor factors:

(1) older age of donor (age > 50 years)

(2) higher Donor Risk Index


Graft factors:

(1) prolonged cold ischemia time

(2) prolonged warm ischemia time

(3) expanded liver donor graft (partial or split, donation after cardiac death)

(4) macrovesicular steatosis

(5) mismatch between graft size and recipient, with graft too large


Transplant surgery related factors:

(1) classic liver transplant technique

(2) use of venovenous bypass


Recipient factors:

(1) age of recipient > 60 years

(2) higher MELD score or CTP class (Class C)

(3) fulminant hepatic failure

(4) reduced central venous pressure

(5) decreased diastolic blood pressure

(6) high serum creatinine (? AKI)

(7) high serum potassium

(8) low serum calcium

(9) serum sodium < 130 mol/L

(10) anemia

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