Broderick-Villa et al evaluated risk factors for recurrent diverticulitis. The authors are from Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles and Pasadena, California.
Risk factors for recurrent episodes of diverticulitis:
(1) age < 50 years (younger patient)
(2) presence of one or more comorbid conditions (based on the Charlson comorbidity score)
(3) history of one or more previous episodes of acute diverticulitis
Most patients presenting with an initial episode of acute diverticulitis can be managed medically and do not need to undergo colectomy, since the risk of recurrence is low. Many patients with recurrent episodes can also be treated medically.
• The definition of elective colectomy was a colectomy performed on a second hospitalization 6 months or less after discharge for the initial hospitalization. In addition, assessment was based on review of the ICD-9 codes; I do not see any mention of chart reviews.
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