
Certain drugs can result in increased hair growth either as an accidental or as an intended effect. The presence of certain factors may increase the amount and extent of hair growth.


Risk factors related to the patient:

(1) child or adolescent

(2) racial trait

(3) familial hirsutism

(4) if female, menopause, pregnancy, polycystic ovary syndrome or masculinizing ovarian tumor

(5) congenital adrenal hyperplasia or adrenal tumor

(6) idiopathic


Risk factors associated with medication(s) being taken:

(1) taking two or more medications associated with hair growth

(2) high daily dose of a drug associated with hair growth

(3) drug interaction causing decreased metabolism, decreased excretion or displacement from protein binding

(4) long duration of therapy with the causative drug


Drugs associated with excessive hair growth include:

(1) testosterone or other androgens

(2) oral contraceptives

(3) tamoxifen

(4) corticosteroids or ACTH

(5) cyclosporine

(6) zidovudine

(7) phenothiazines

(8) phenytoin

(9) diltiazem

(10) minoxidil

(11) erythropoietin

plus others


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