
Perheentupa et al surveyed a patient population for factors associated with the lifetime prevalence of dental trauma. A person with several risk factors might benefit from interventions to reduce the risk. The authors are from the University of Oulu in Finland.


Risk factors for dental trauma over a person's lifetime:

(1) male gender

(2) mental distress (anxiety and/or depression, antisocial personality)

(3) history of previous traumatic injury

(4) overweight (body mass index >= 25.0)

(5) high alcohol consumption

(7) physically inactive (regular physical activity reduces trauma occurrence)

(8) unemployed or self-employed (higher status associated with reduced risk)

(9) maxillary protrusion, increased overjet, and/or retrognathic mandible

(10) age under 30 years of age (81% of dental injury occurs before age 30)

(11) although not listed by the authors, I would include participants in sports (like hockey) or occupations with a lot of physical contact.


Comment: This sounds like the average clientele for a biker bar.


Some possible explanations for these findings:

(1) self-destructive behavior

(2) reduced coordination

(3) teeth more vulnerable (with maxillary protrusion, etc.)

(4) prevalence of events in the environment


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