
Acute kidney injury (AKI) may complicate an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). It may be multifactorial. It may range from mild and transient to severe. Tubular injury is common.

Patient selection: diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)


Clinical risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) may include:

(1) rhabdomyolysis

(2) nephrotoxic drugs

(3) hypotension or shock

(4) dehydration with volume depletion

(5) diabetic nephropathy

(6) male gender

(7) other pre-existing kidney disease

(8) older age

(9) coma


Laboratory risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) may include:

(1) severe hyperglycemia

(2) ammonium urate crystals and/or elevated serum uric acid concentration

(3) low serum bicarbonate concentration and/or increased severity of acidosis

(4) hypoalbuminemia

(5) hyperchloremia

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