
The body louse (Pediculus humanus var corporis) is a blood sucking insect that proliferates during disasters and which can serve as the vector for a number of infectious diseases.


Risk factors:

(1) poverty and poor hygiene

(2) failure to wash and change clothing

(3) close contact with a lousy person

(4) sharing bedding or clothing with a lousy person


Refugees, prisoners of war, and homeless people are especially at risk.


Clinical findings:

(1) pruritic, reddish maculopapular rash

(2) lice or nits (eggs) on hairs

(3) nits (eggs), adults and nymphs in the seams of clothing


A louse may leave the host if:

(1) s/he becomes too hot (fever)

(2) s/he becomes too cold (death)



(1) secondary bacterial infection of skin excoriations

(2) louse-borne diseases (louse-borne typhus, trench fever, louse-borne relapsing fever)


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